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Reporters Adrian Caillaux-Diaz, Colton Stenson and Theo Van Zyl interview guest Michael Dawson (’26) on his opinions about the 2023 NBA playoffs. Dawson gave his input on surprises and upsets of the second round in a podcast series that will continue next school year.
Reporters Adrian Caillaux-Diaz, Colton Stenson and Theo Van Zyl interview guest Michael Dawson (’26) on his opinions about the 2023 NBA playoffs. Dawson gave his input on surprises and upsets of the second round in a podcast series that will continue next school year.
Adrian Caillaux Diaz

And1 Podcast: Arsenal team rises

Reporters Adrian Caillaux Diaz (’26), Colton Stenson (’26) and Theo Van Zyl (’26) review the Premier League and talk about what is to come this season. The league was full of surprises, with some teams impressing and others disappointing.
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