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Ethan Rhodes reflects on passion for basketball

Tarek Ahmad
Ethan Rhodes (’25) dribbles a basketball on the school playground. Rhodes played basketball on the JJV team.

JJV basketball player Ethan Rhodes (’25) has been playing basketball since he was eight years old. Although he fell in love with the sport, when he reached age 13, he said several inconveniences prevented him from playing.

“[When] coronavirus hit, I wasn’t able to play for a long time because I was also in the process of moving to the U.K.,” Rhodes said.

After moving to the U.K., Rhodes said he found the the country to have a different basketball culture than the U.S., causing him to lose his love for the sport.

“There’s less basketball here, I think, than in the U.S., so I kind of lost my shot and my touch a bit,” Rhodes said.

Although Rhodes missed his time on the court, he said taking a break from basketball allowed him to spend more time on other sports he plays.

“I’ve really started to pick up tennis since I’ve moved to the U.K., but I did play a little bit back in the U.S., and I did play baseball a long time ago, but now I just do umpiring,” Rhodes said.

While living in Brooklyn, New York, Rhodes said he played for Amateur Athletic Union teams rather than on his school’s team.

“Back in New York, there were these Amateur Athletic Union teams,” Rhodes said. “I wasn’t on the AAU team, but it was a travel team for BSNY, which stands for Basketball Stars in New York.”

While playing for BSNY, a youth basketball academy, Rhodes said he never committed to a singular position. Instead, Rhodes said he played various roles across the court.

“I don’t really have a specific position, but I would say the way I play and the way coach tells me to play is shooting guard or small forward just because of my shot,” Rhodes said. “I am able to stretch the floor, pass the ball around and get good shots for the team.”

Basketball positions by tarek_ahmad

Rhodes said watching the NBA inspired his passion for the sport.

“My dad used to play one-on-ones with us sometimes or with me and my brother,” Rhodes said. ”I became a big advocate for basketball through watching the NBA when it was Steph Curry, Lebron [and] Kobe who really inspired me to become a good basketball player.”

Moreover, Rhodes said it is difficult to balance academics and basketball, especially in Grade 11.

“It’s kind of hard, but luckily, I have a mini hoop at my house,” Rhodes said. “It’s not regular basketball, but it’s still fun to just take a break from homework, take a couple of shots and hoop before going to a new assignment. It’s a good way to clear my head of all the stress that comes with work.”

Looking forward, Rhodes said he hopes to incorporate basketball into his future.

“In general, I’m a big fan of sports, but basketball is probably the one I know the most about, and I’m the biggest into,” Rhodes said. “Based on my experience, I could do something in the management field for sports or something later on related to a professional team.”

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About the Contributor
Tarek Ahmad, Reporter
Tarek Ahmad ('27) is a Reporter for The Standard in Journalistic Writing.

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